My Story:  My Inspiration on Becoming a Therapist

My journey to becoming a therapist began after my family received support and guidance from some of the most wonderful human beings I’ve ever met.

Who were these people that fascinated me by showing such dedication, grit, and passion for my family’s well-being? They were social workers and therapists.

After meeting these professionals and seeing how much they helped my family, I knew I had found my calling, purpose, and career.

A Highly Rewarding Career

Becoming a therapist was the best career choice I could have made. I love helping people overcome circumstances that they think are impossible. I know people can get through hardships in life. Often, they just need a skilled therapist to walk with them in their healing journey.

I’m passionate about seeing my clients live whole, healthy, and contented lives. Even if I helped only one person per day have a better life and feel better about themselves, that is one more person in the world who is no longer in deep pain and struggle.

Stephanie Jean

Who I Work With

  • Adults who struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, cultural/generational trauma, and problems in relationships
  • Teens who have had a traumatic or distressing experience or are struggling in some aspect of their lives.
  • Parents of teens who want help in supporting their teens

My Therapy Approach

My counseling style is to have a relaxed conversation with adults and teenagers using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interwoven with psychoeducation to empower my clients.

The mind can produce good or bad fruits based on the kind of “fertilizer” you feed it.

This is why I use CBT, EMDR, and other leading therapy methods that are highly effective. When you feed your mind strong, positive, and healing thoughts, your feelings also become more positive, and you feel better about yourself.

While therapy can be very effective, it requires a commitment – what you put into your therapy sessions will determine what you get out of treatment. I help ensure that we work in a way that is unique to you and your goals so that you are highly engaged in the therapy process.

Why Work with Me

  • My clients tell me they feel validated, seen, heard, and comfortable during our sessions.
  • My laid-back and gentle energy allows you to cultivate a safe space, and when needed, I’ll give you a gentle push to help ensure you achieve your goals.
  • The strong therapeutic alliance I create with you builds trust and helps you go deep into yourself to heal the root cause of your problems.
  • I’m flexible – I tailor my sessions to suit your needs and will use various tools to help you achieve your goals.
  • I provide many tools, techniques, and resources to help you as you walk through your life outside of therapy sessions.
  • I utilize worksheets, videos, storytelling, and role-playing to further connect with my clients and help them learn to think outside of the box.
  • My sessions are like a classroom to practice life skills and the new skills you are learning.
  • I have experience working in organizations specializing in child sexual abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and trauma.
  • I’m trained in leading methods of psychotherapy known to get the best results, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and other somatic-based interventions (methods based on calming the nervous system).
Stack of books with plants for Stephanie Jean, therapist in Valley Stream


  • Masters of Social Work, Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare

Get Started

If you resonate with what I offer, please contact me in our Valley Stream office. We’ll chat about your needs, and if you decide to see me, we’ll work towards transforming your life and creating a brighter future.